![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Picture group trees | |
Tooltips | Configures usage and appearance of tooltips in the trees displaying picture groups:
Display in tooltips | The list of group properties to select from. Applicable only if tooltips use the Display with selected properties mode. |
Thumbnail view window | |
Background color | Determines the thumbnail pane background color. |
Thumbnail background color | Determines the background color for single thumbnails. |
Thumbnail font color | Determines the font color for thumbnail labels. |
Drag'n'Drop | Enables or disables drag'n'drop operations with the thumbnails. |
Show thumbnail tooltips | This function enables pop-up tooltips for thumbnails when mouse stays still over a thumbnail for a time. The tooltips display picture properties as configured below. |
Display in tooltips | The list of properties from which you can choose those to display in thumbnail tooltips. |
Picture details displayed on the thumbnails | By using these options you can select whether to display, and which picture properties in each thumbnail corner. |
Thumbnail background border style | Determines the style used to draw the frame of the thumbnail background rectangle. |
Thumbnail background border custom color | When the option Thumbnail background border style is set to Custom color, the value of this setting is used to draw the frame of the thumbnail background rectangle. |
Show thumbnail shadow | If on, a shadow is painted behind the thumbnail image using the settings below. |
Shadow blur radius | The radius of a blur used for painting the thumbnail shadow, in pixels. |
Horizontal/vertical shadow offset | Offset of the thumbnail shadow relative to the thumbnail image, in pixels. |
Shadow color | A color used to paint the thumbnail shadow. The default is black. |
Shadow opacity | A value ranged 0 to 255 specifying the opacity of the thumbnail shadow. |
Resampling filter | Determines interpolation filter used for resampling source images when creating thumbnails. |
Max. undo count | Determines the size of undo buffer used to roll back changes done to the photo album. You can undo no more than specified number of sequential changes (when undo buffer gets full, the least recent changes' data are unrolled). Large buffer requested may result in large need of room (memory) to store it (the most memory-consuming operations are picture deleting and editing). |
See also:
Program settings :: General
Program settings :: View mode
Program settings :: Dialogs
Program settings :: Tools
Storing the program settings in a file
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